Week ending 24th April – another busy week!

Another busy week for Clare Ella Aromatherapy – home visits as well as treatments at the clinic.

A much appreciated neck/ back/ shoulder/ arm/ hands and feet massage for a lady in a residential care home.
A similar home treatment for a lady permanently in a wheelchair.
Two vouchers used at the clinic – a Mother’s Day voucher for an Indian Head Massage and a birthday voucher for a full body massage.

Some lovely mixes too again this week:-

Peppermint, rosemary and ginger for a cyclist’s overworked muscles

Lemon, spearmint and ravensara – now that was gorgeous – uplifting, warming, immune boosting -comforting on so many levels

Frankincense, rose and black pepper – YES! feminine with a bit of spice, warming, blanket like, emotionally supportive – and a wonderful aroma!

Rosemary, black pepper and vetiver – a superb ‘grounding’ mix, with rosemary easing tight muscles & stimulating the brain, black pepper warming and immune boosting, and vetiver giving that unmistakable ‘earthy’ base note. My client & I both loved this one.

I love my job….